Self-DTW software and sample dataset


The software package contains a set of programs for phase estimation by self-DTW with bias correction, example of input signal data and its corresponding output. The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University (OU) has copyright in the software and associated data and serves as a distributor of the Self-DTW software and dataset.


If you use the software for your research, please cite the following paper:
Makihara, Y.; Aqmar, M.R.; Trung, N.T.; Nagahara, H.; Sagawa, R.; Mukaigawa, Y.; Yagi, Y., "Phase Estimation of a Single Quasi-Periodic Signal," Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.8, pp.2066,2079, April 2014.

Phase Estimation source code (C++) and sample dataset

A. Requirements/Dependency (The source code has been tested and and the executable files have been built in the environment below)

A.1. OS: Tested on Windows (7/8)

A.2. OpenCV (version 2.4.2)

A.3. CMake (2.8.7)

A.4. Microsoft (MS) Visual Studio (2008)

B. Solution file for MS Visual Studio

B.1. GaitID.sln : Solution file

B.2. GaitID.ncb : Intellisense database. NCB stands for Non-Compiled Browse file. NCB files contain information about symbols used in a C++ program, as well as user-defined classes. NCB files are used by Intellisense, a component of Microsoft Visual Studio that allows code auto-completion. It is produced automatically when we build the solution

C. List of directories and files

C.1 bat -> It contains batch file for running the whole executable files

C.2. bin -> It contains Executable files

C.3. data -> It contains input and output data

Note that the explanation of the above files can be found in the batch file comments.

C.4. include -> It contains all include .h files.

C.5. lib -> It contains all library .lib files.

C.6. Projects -> It contains all Projects directories and files.

C.7. src -> It contains all C++ source code .cpp files.

D. Usage

E. How to get the code

To advance the state-of-the-art in the research community, the software package and sample could be downloaded as a zip file with password protection and the password will be issued on a case-by-case basis. To receive the password, the requestor must send the release agreement signed by a legal representative of your institution (e.g., your supervisor if you are a student) to the database administrator by mail, e-mail, or FAX.


It was often reported that Windows built-in zip did not work to extract all the files. Please try another unzip software if necessary.

The software administrator

Department of Intelligent Media, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Address: 8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka, 567-0047, JAPAN
Mail address
FAX: +81-6-6877-4375.